Time for the silence of the forest
Gærdselsskovene - Sydlangeland
Branches from the forests were formerly used for fences around the fields.
Hennetved Haver
Hennetved Haver is a forest of 45 ha. The forest has a fine path system and there are many large old beeches and knotted oaks.
Konabbe Wood
Take a walk through the beautiful manor landscape at Skovsgaard Estate. In the forest you can meet cattle and horses grazing wild in the forest.
Nordlangelands Statsskove
At Nordlangeland you can experience one of Denmark's most beautiful beech forests with old, crooked trees.
Forrestgarden Nordlangeland
Collection of 47 different tree species that grow in the Danish forests.
Walking Tour: Stengade Woods (Stengade Skov)
Routes of 2.4km or 4.4km - the woods at Stengade are a lush, hilly area just to the north of Spodsbjerg. It is said that it was here that Adam Oehlenschläger wrote the Danish national anthem. The wood...