Aktiviteter og oplevelser for børn på Langeland og Strynø

Autumn holiday on Langeland

Photo:ELS &Langeland Turistbureau


This year's BørneKulturFestival will be a week filled with fish, parties, music and fantastic theatre.

You can look forward to it; at BørneKulturFestival you can meet idols, get crazy about fish, be creative and watch theatre. 

Music & theatre - for kids

We will be visited by both Randers Theatre and Dansk Rakkerpak, both of which deliver top-class children's theatre. Of course, we'll also have some very famous and prominent guests when Sigurd Barret visits us with his family concert, Oda Omvendt from DR Ramasjang fires up her underwater show, and Mek Pek plays a party with all the famous children's songs.

Sea fun

Once again this year, the Children's Culture Festival has a special focus on the sea and fish as we dissect exciting sea creatures with biologist Julie while producing marine environments at the bottom of jam jars or being painted as mermaids or other exciting more realistic animals from the bottom of the sea.

Wait, there are more fun fall activities

... Which the family can make every day during the autumn holidays