Visit Spodsbjerg

Photo: Daniel Villadsen

Spodsbjerg arose as a Berth and a small fishing hamlet in the 1400s. Nowadays, tourism, the fer­rying to Lolland and fishing constitutes the main foundation of the town’s economy. Spodsbjerg is, with its’ outstretched beaches, a sought­out bath­ing resort.

Pige med badering i vandet


South of the city lies a lovely summer cottage area and another Camping Site facing the child­friendly beach “Drejet”.

 Lystbåde ved havn på Spodsbjerg Havn

Photo:P. Qvist, Colourbox

In Spodsbjerg you can rent bicy­cles, scooters and angling boats.

Lystfisker står alene i stille vand på Langeland og fisker med sin fiskestang

Hotspot for angling

At the main road lies a large angler shop where, among other things, fishing licenses are sold. In the port the rental boats lie side by side, when they aren’t at sea with anglers, and haul in cod, flatfish, mackerel etc. from the finest fish water.
If you are not up for sailing out to sea, you can catch fish from the coastline. You can learn more about what kind of fish you can catch right now and what equipment to use at the local angler stores.

Experiences in Spodsbjerg

Vandreruter omkring Spodsbjerg
Photo: Spodsbjerg Havn

Vandreruter omkring Spodsbjerg

Havnefogdens 6 farvorit vandreruter fra Spodsbjerg Havn fra 3,4 til 9 km.

Spodsbjerg Tourist Harbour
Photo: Karin Meulengrath

Spodsbjerg Tourist Harbour

Langeland’s only east facing yacht harbour is only a few minutes sailing away from one of Denmarks best fishing grounds.

Spodsbjerg Lystfiskersø
Photo: Spodsbjerg Lystfiskersø

Spodsbjerg Lystfiskersø

Spodsbjerg Lystfiskersø

Drejet beach, Spodsbjerg
Photo: Gitte Rahbek

Drejet beach, Spodsbjerg

Shallow water and the beach are suitable for children and the disabled.


Art Tower No. 6 - Silje Bruun - Family

Art Tower 6 houses a work by Silje Bruun Hansen called “Family”



Cycle Routes 80-81 North Langeland

Rudkøbing - Lohals - Spodsbjerg is a 72km long cycle route that takes you through the beautiful scenery of North Langeland. The route is well signposted, 67km of which is along tarmac roads, the remai...


Cycle Routes 82 -83 South Langeland

Rudkøbing - Bagenkop - Spodsbjerg is a scenic, well signposted cycle route through Soyh Langeland. The route is 65km long, only 3km of which is along gravel tracks.

Herregårdsruten på Fyn, Langeland og Ærø
Photo: ELS Production

Bike rute: The Castle Route

160 km of purely idyllic winding roads through countryside villages, cozy market towns and, not least, historic manor houses.

Village History: Spodsbjerg station
Photo: Rudkøbing Byhistoriske Arkiv

Village History: Spodsbjerg station

Before Langeland had connecting bridges, trains travelled between Spodsbjerg, Rudkøbing and Bagenkop.

Village History: Spodsbjerg Badehotel
Photo: Rudkøbing Byhistoriske Arkiv

Village History: Spodsbjerg Badehotel

The old seaside hotel from 1913 was a vacation paradise for city dwellers and a gathering place for locals.


Landsbyhistorie: Swedish troops crossing the ice

It was at Spodsbjerg that the Swedish king Karl 10. Gustav led his army 12 kilometres across the ice

Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne: Europa investerer i landdistrikterne

Photo:Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne: Europa investerer i landdistrikterne