Birds of Langeland
Help us take care of nature while hiking or being active on the water.
Endangered bird species
Please avoid passing near og through the breeding and resting areas of various endangered bird species. A number of these birds breed and rest along Langeland´s beautiful coastline an in the island´s picturesque landscape.
Look out for the ringed plover
The common ringed plover can be found all along the Langeland coast. It usually breeds up on the beach, but we humans often prevent it from looking after its eggs and young birds. This can happen when we walk along the beach during the breeding season, which lasts from April to late summer. If you meet the bird on the beach, it is best to move quickly through the territory and take care not to step on the well-camouflaged eggs. Sometimes the bird itself tries to help by feigning illness and trying to lure the uninvited guest out of its territory with a drooping wing.

Photo:Lars Kirk

Photo:Orla Thorsager Andersen
The bittern is a medium-sized heron bird with golden-brown plumage and a wingspan of 125-135 cm. It is a shy bird that hides well in dense reed forests. However, its loud and humming territorial voice, called the timpani, can be heard from several kilometres away in calm weather. The timpani sounds like blowing over an empty bottle and is produced by male bitterns.

The avocet is a slender wading bird with a white body and distinctive black markings on the head, back, and upper wings. Its long, thin, and upwardly curved black bill and light blue legs are characteristic features. Unlike most other waders, the avocet has webbed feet and is a proficient swimmer.

Photo:Dennis Jacobsen
The peregrine falcon is renowned for its incredible speed, capable of reaching up to 390 km/h when diving with its wings folded.This bird of prey boasts a steel-grey upper side and black and white cross-striped underside, with females growing up to 46 cm long and males measuring around 40 cm. With a wingspan of 95-115 cm, the peregrine falcon is truly a marvel of nature.
Tips for protecting birds
It is important to take care of local birdlife and help preserve their habitats.
Here are some tips for protecting birds in Langeland´s nature::
Respect fences and signs
Keep your distance from the birds
Avoid noise
Keep your dog on a lead
Watch out for nesting birds
Do not litter in the countryside