- Tranekær International Centre for Art and Nature

An astonishing experience

TICKON  is a new experience every time you visit.

The artworks, which have been created by the most talented artists worldwide working in the genre of Land Art, change from day to day, altered by the nature that surrounds them.


Artworks in TICKON - From the earth and back to the earth

The unique thing about TICKON is that the park’s art installations and sculptures have all been created from natural materials and are intended to slowly decay, so they return back to earth and stone. But throughout this process the artwork must retain its integrity and remain a meaningful artistic experience.


A visit to TICKON will take you a beautiful walk around the park’s beautiful lake, with the magnificent red edifice of Tranekær Castle acting as a backdrop.

NB some paths can be wet and muddy during rainy weather, so wear good outdoors shoes.

Four new artworks in three years

TICKON strives to constantly establish new artworks to retain the status quo when the old ones pass away. Two new works were therefore introduced in 2019, the English artist Chris Drury’s “Linden Cloud Chamber” and the American Brandon Ballengée’s “Love Motel for Insects”. In the summer of 2020, Gunner Møller Petersen’s electronic symphony “Et LYDÅR” (A year of sound) was installed, and it plays the movement representing the current month every day at 12 o clock and 3 pm. Finally, in the autumn of 2021, the Finnish artist Antti Ylönen created the work “Hidden Power”.