Kælkebakke Tullebølle Fritidspark


Winter holidays for all of us ~ together

Soak up nature and feel the community during your winter holiday - listen to the waves crash or take a seat at the local long table. Although the island is narrow, it's sky-high and there's plenty of elbow room.

Winter holiday events

Bouncy castles as far as the eye can see and fun activities at the Museum

Legepladser på Langeland


Take a trip to one of our scenic playgrounds

Book your winter holiday on Langeland

Holiday home cosiness with the family, a girlfriend's trip to a manor house or a weekend at a B&B? Find your accommodation here.

Photo: Tiki Camp

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Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne: Europa investerer i landdistrikterne

Photo:Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne: Europa investerer i landdistrikterne