Åben Langeland - Henriette Lorentz der maler en af sine farverige skulputerer

Art on Langeland


The Artists’ Island

In Denmark you can find a small number of geographical areas which attract artists like a magnet. It might be because if the light. Or because of the nature. Or because they can find colleagues from many different artistic genres living nearby.  Langeland is just such a place - and has been since the 1960s, when many artists first started moving out into the countryside to find inspiration from nature and the natural light.

This is why Langeland can offer so many different artistic experiences, in the studios of its artists and craftspeople, in its public spaces where many sculpture have been erected over the years, and in the Art Towers - which can be found from the north of the island to the south, and in TICKON, which has built up a collection of Land Art instillations created by artists from all over the world.

A Rich Diversity of Art

Langeland is a hotspot for artist working in all genres of the arts and crafts.

Det lille kunstværksted

Arts and Crafts

Poul Erik Eliasens værksted


Pensel på lærred

Visual arts

Galaksen af Jan Axel Starup

Art in the Landscape

The Art Route

Experience the wealth of art you can see on Langeland

The art route gives you the chance to combine seeing the island’s best artistic and cultural attractions with visiting individual artists and craftspeople, all while you travel through Langeland’s  beautiful countryside of Langeland

Kunstruten kort

See The Art Route →

Photo: VisitLangeland

Art in the Landscape

On Langeland you can find many different types of artworks, both inspired by and sometimes actually in the beautiful nature of Langeland.

Artistic Events

Throughout the year, artists, galleries and cultural institutions invite visitors to various artistic events.

The biggest event is perhaps Artists Open Their Doors which is held over Easter, over two days more than 40 different artists open their studios and workshops to visitors. During May new exhibits in the Art Towers make their debut. The Summer can offer a Summer Exhibition which features the works of up to 29 of Langeland’s artists, while the Bagenkop Art Gallery hosts week-long exhibitions featuring different artists. The Autumn’s most important event is The Langeland Photographers' Autumn Exhibition.

Poul Erik Eliasen i Strandby ved Tranekær

Kunstnernes Åbne Døre →

Photo: Steffen Jensen